• Bill Moves In Texas That Would Increase Age To Buy Rifles From 18 To 21

    On Monday, the House Committee on Community Safety reported out House Bill 2744, legislation which restricts the Second Amendment rights of young adults aged 18-20 by prohibiting them from purchasing most semi-automatic rifles. At age 18, citizens are eligible to vote, be drafted, serve in the military, serve on a jury, enter into contracts, sue and be sued, get married and own property.…

  • Florida Court Recognizes Popularity of Carry Permits, Rules Police Cannot Use Possession of a Gun as Sole Basis for Investigatory Stops

    An appellate court in Florida recently decided that a police officer who sees a firearm when approaching a citizen is not permitted to rely exclusively on the possession of the firearm as the justification for an investigatory stop and search. Bearing arms is not only a lawful activity, it is “a specifically enumerated right” protected under both…

  • Major Virginia Gun Control Bill H.B. 961 Was Defeated This Morning

    Thanks to Second Amendment supporters around the Commonwealth ceaselessly voicing their opposition to a sweeping gun ban, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10-5 to reject House Bill 961 on February 17th. Bloomberg’s House majority in the General Assembly is not going to deliver their most coveted agenda item to their billionaire master. House Bill 961…

  • 60 Minutes Does ‘Study’, Finds That Bullets Can Cause Damage

    Last Sunday, the “news” program 60 Minutes ran a story it called “What makes the AR-15 style rifle the weapon of choice for mass shooters?”  The producer of the piece, Ashley Velie, claimed the intent was to present a story that was “completely apolitical.”  From the very outset, however, starting with the inflammatory and inaccurate…

  • Texas Governor Signs 10 Pro-Gun Bills Into Law

    Governor Greg Abbott has now signed all of the NRA-supported legislation which the Texas Legislature sent him during the 2019 session.  Thank you to pro-Second Amendment leaders and lawmakers in the House and Senate for their work to ensure passage of these measures.  Here is the list of NRA-backed bills which will become law on September 1: House Bill…

  • FL Governor Signs Bill Allowing Armed Teachers In Schools, Moms Demand Action Pushes Veto For Wrong Bill

    Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB-7030 within hours after receiving it. SB-7030 contains the language that authorizes local school boards to allow classroom teachers to go through training and carry firearms on school campuses. News reports suggested that “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” and another Bloomberg group, “Students Demand Action for Gun Sense…

  • NJ Governor Christie Keeps Promise, Makes Concealed Carry Permits More Accessible To Citizens

    Yesterday, Governor Chris Christie announced that his administration has formally adopted the police rules introduced in 2016 which more clearly define the state’s “justifiable need” standard for issuance of concealed carry permits.  For years, the state’s unreasonable standard has been used to reject the overwhelming majority of applications for concealed carry permits.  While citizens in 43 states are able to exercise…

  • Permitless Concealed Carry Overwhelmingly Passes Missouri House

    Today, the Missouri House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed House Bill 1468. HB 1468 will now move to the Senate where it will await a committee referral for further consideration. Thank you to those House members that voted in support of this important self-defense legislation. Please contact your state Senator and politely urge them to SUPPORT…

  • BREAKING: Mississippi Poised To Become Newest Constitutional Carry State

    Today, the Mississippi House voted 85-35 to concur with Senate amendments to House Bill 786, sending the legislation to Governor Phil Bryant (R) for his expected signature.  Despite months of misleading attacks by New York gun control advocate and billionaire Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun state groups, Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action,…