Kelly Pidgeon
Does Carrying Actually Make You Safer?
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When people I’ve known for a long time find out that I carry a firearm and that I’m now training people in concealed carry, they are often really shocked. Although I grew up in an area, where guns and bows have been a natural part of life, I hadn’t considered handguns as something I wanted…
[VIDEO] CCW Belly Bands – Ups and Downs
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We could write articles about holsters every day. There are thousands of options and everyone has a strong opinion on what is best, but it’s mostly about personal preference. What seems to be making a run for its money lately, is the belly band. The belly band is an on-body carry system that has a…
Women: Finding The Right Gun
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“What gun should I get?” I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve heard that question. There is no right answer. Sure enough, whichever one you get, you’re probably going to want a different one after that. Gun shopping is difficult. There are so many choices – make, model, caliber, design, but we’re…
Every Night Carry
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You have chosen to carry concealed because you have decided as we all do, that our safety and the safety of our loved ones is our personal responsibility. You’ve chosen a gun, and you’ve chosen a quality holstering system that fits your needs. Carrying daily has become not only a habit but also a natural…
A large majority of the women who come through my classes has raised the concern about storage of their firearm when they’re not carrying it. It seems simple enough to answer at first. Certainly, it needs to be unloaded and locked in a safe, especially if children are in the home. But, this is Concealed…
CCW High Stress Training With Firearms
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We all have different ways in which we exercise our Second Amendment rights. Some take tactical training courses, others become instructors, many get to the range often to practice marksmanship with pistols, some with rifles, others primarily with shotguns. There are also those who may simply buy a single gun to keep at home in…
[VIDEO] The Second Protects the First
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I’m really tired of the gun debate. One of my male assistant instructors said last year, “women will save The Second Amendment.” I have to agree. But why is it even in a position that it would need to be saved? The animal kingdom demonstrates, that those considered prey, have built in defense mechanisms for…
[VIDEO] .357 Magnum is a Dated Round
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In recent months, we’ve seen many law-enforcement departments including the FBI move from .40 S&W to the 9mm because of its ability to take down a bad-guy but also because it allows for higher capacity. As a shooting instructor and one who loves to be at the range, I’ve always found myself more prone to…