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Irresponsible Gun Owner Shoots At Fleeing Car Thief, Putting Lives In Danger

STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA — Sure, we have seen it countless times in the movies and on TV. The good guys shooting at people fleeing in a car. However, if you live in the real world and legally carry a gun, it is important to not only know the laws for pulling the trigger, but proper firearms safety rules as well.

The owner of the 2015 Dodge Challenger left the car running while he went inside the Chevron on N. Hairston Road, DeKalb police spokesman Sgt. J.D. Spencer said.

A person then got into the car and began driving away at about 7 p.m. When the owner came out and spotted his car being stolen, he began shooting at the vehicle.


So where should we begin here? First off, legally one is not supposed to fire a gun at another person unless they feel their life is in danger. Your property being stolen is not a threat to your life. Property can be replaced, a life cannot.

Second, not only did the irresponsible gun owner shoot at someone for stealing his car, he also fired shots at someone fleeing away from him. This is strike number two. Property aside, if someone is trying to run away from you, they are clearly no longer a threat to your life; shooting at them makes you the aggressor.

Third, and maybe most important, was the lack of gun safety shown by the gun owner. Gun Safety rule #4 says “Be Sure Of Your Target and What is Beyond It.” It is safe to bet that the shooter took no mind as to what was “beyond” his target as he fired rounds at the car as it sped away.

The gas station is located at a busy intersection with other stores on each of the corners (see Goggle street image below). In one direction there is an apartment complex located just past the gas station. An errant bullet could have struck any number of things or people; a pedestrian in one of the parking lots, a driver coming down the road, gas pumps at the adjacent gas station, a resident in the apartment complex.

via Google Maps

The shooter should feel blessed that he did not hit any of these things, or even the fleeing car thief. If he had, it’s likely would be facing criminal charges and jail time. The gun owner could have ruined his entire life all over his car. This is why it is so important to know your local laws and to adhere to the rules of gun safety.

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