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Woman Tells Police She Shot, Killed Man Allegedly Choking Her

LUBBOCK, TEXAS — The Lubbock Police Department has disclosed new information about a fatal shooting in Central Lubbock that resulted in the death of 24-year-old Gomesindo Perez, according to Everything Lubbock.

The incident took place in the early hours of March 5 on the 4500 block of 40th Street.

According to a recently released police report, a woman who claimed to be in a romantic relationship with Perez contacted the authorities, stating that he had been assaulting and choking her.

She reported to the police that she shot Perez in response.

Although the initial police statement suggested that Perez was shot during an altercation inside the home, the department has not yet determined whether the shooting can be classified as an act of self-defense.

The investigation is still ongoing, and officials are working to establish the circumstances surrounding the incident.

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