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Family Dollar Employee Charged After Shooting Shoplifter 10 Times

PHOENIX, ARIZONA — A Family Dollar store employee, Kevin Salas Madrid, 24, has been arrested and charged with attempted second-degree murder after shooting an alleged serial shoplifter multiple times at a location near 67th Avenue and Indian School Road.

Prior to the shooting, Madrid confronted the shoplifter, who responded by punching Madrid in the face, according to Fox 10 Phoenix.

Witnesses reported that Madrid subsequently shot the man ten times, continuing to fire as the victim lay on the ground.

The victim was in the hospital with life-threatening injuries at the time of Fox 10’s report.

In a probable cause statement, police quoted Madrid as saying, “Kevin stated he had made the worst decision of his life… Kevin explained he was struck and decided to shoot but looking back, he realized it was egregious.”

Madrid now awaits trial in jail.

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