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Burglar Shot By Armed Resident, Claims “She Told Me” Door Would Be Open

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — A suspected burglar was shot in the left forearm by a homeowner in Dunning, according to 16th District police.

The incident took place at around 1:20 a.m. on Sunday, March 5th, inside the owner’s home on North Newcastle Avenue in Chicago, Illinois, according to Nadig Newspapers.

The resident was reportedly awoken by his dog barking and, after receiving no response from calling out his son’s name, he retrieved his gun and searched his home.

He reportedly found a man in the basement holding a dark object, and after instructing the man not to move, he fired one shot when the suspect allegedly began moving towards him.

The suspect, Jeremy Tyler Polfliet, was taken to Lutheran General Hospital in serious condition and was charged with residential burglary.

The homeowner, who possessed an Illinois firearms owner identification card, reported that he was acting in self-defense.

This incident is the second time this year that a resident shot a suspected home intruder in the 16th District.

The number of reported burglaries in the 16th District has increased by 54 percent this year, from 54 to 83, compared to the same period last year, according to Nadig.

There were no signs of forced entry on the home’s side door, and it may have been left unlocked.

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