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Reported Home Intruder Forces Way Through Front Door, Gets Blasted In The Neck

MOUNT AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA — A 26-year-old man, identified as Daniel Scott Laskey Brown, was shot in the neck during an attempted home invasion on Andrews Street in Mount Airy, according to reports.

The homeowner, Joshua Wade Murphy, aged 41, was found standing in his front yard with a shotgun when the police arrived, according to WFMY.

Brown was lying in the front yard with a gunshot wound to his neck, and he was identified as the intruder.

He had reportedly broken into Murphy’s home through the front door, carrying a gun, and was shot by Murphy in self-defense.

Brown was transported to a local hospital and was in in critical condition. The Surry County District Attorney’s Office was consulted, and no charges were filed against Murphy.

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