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Police: Man Threatens Child At Dog Park, Lawfully-Armed Father Shoots and Kills Him

YAKIMA, WASHINGTON — A man in Yakima, Washington, shot and killed Daniel Ortega, 22, at the Randall dog park after Ortega threatened the man’s child on Sunday afternoon, according to police.

Multiple people called 911 to report Ortega’s erratic behavior, according to the Yakima Herald-Republic.

Ortega had “attempted to endanger the life of the small child with his words and actions,” according to the police press report, prompting the father to ask him to leave his family alone.

That did not work.

When his attempts to de-escalate this unfolding scenario failed, the father “discharged his legally owned firearm in defense of himself and his child.”

Ortega died at the scene.

Police said that the lawfully-armed man was not the aggressor in this situation.

The father reportedly cooperated with law enforcement, and witnesses reportedly corroborated his account.

After consultation with the Yakima County prosecutor, police released the 28-year-old father as the shooting appeared to have been in self-defense.

The incident involved the Yakima Police Department, the Washington State Patrol, and Yakima County sheriff’s deputies, according to the Yakima Herald-Republic.

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