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Restaurant Employee Shoots And Kills Robber After Being Pistol-Whipped

WARNER ROBINS, GEORGIA — A man was shot and killed in the act of a would-be robbery at a Warner Robins, Georgia restaurant, WMAZ reports.

Apparently, the criminal was unaware that the employee was armed, too.

Police say that the incident is being investigated as a robbery and self-defense homicide.

The unnamed employee was reportedly held up at gunpoint by Joshua Hickey, 23. At some point, Hickey jumped over the counter and pistol-whipped the victim.

The victim fell to the ground, then began to fight over the gun with Hickey. Eventually, he was able to produce his own firearm and shoot three times, hitting Hickey twice.

Police Sergeant Justin Clark told WMAZ that “Basically a male entered, later found to be Joshua Hickey, entered with a mask and a hood on. He did have a semi-automatic pistol.

“The restaurant worker was struck, hit the ground. As he was coming back up, he drew his own legally-owned firearm and fired three shots at Mr. Hickey. Mr. Hickey was struck twice and fled on foot.”

Police did find Hickey and take him to a local hospital, but he died of his injuries.

The employee was reportedly unhurt.

Without meaning to gloss over the psychological burden that’s been foisted on the employee, it’s good to see a man whose life was threatened, simply for having access to a fast food cash register, be able to come home to any family and friends he may have.

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