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A Nice Shopping Trip With Friends Can Turn Chaotic In A Second

Three people were sitting outside a coffee shop on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, minding their own business when two people walked up, on producing a handgun. That’s a scary situation to be in, and we see the three comply with the robber’s demands.

The entire time, the man with the gun waves it around and could have easily had a negligent discharge while rummaging through his new loot. There were a few opportunities in this scenario that some of the victims could have made a move, but remember that they’re in Los Angeles, and their options for self-defense are extremely limited.

Luckily, no one was injured and the worst thing to happen was having their phones and other items taken. Who knows if these two thugs will ever be caught, but if not, they’re probably well aware that the locations they find their targets are locations that have a very high rate of them not being confronted by an armed citizen.

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