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65-Year-Old Retired Firefighter Exchanges Gunshots With 4 Carjackers, And Sadly He Loses The Battle

This is a terrible reminder to us all: There is never a guarantee that we will win a fight for our lives.

A retired Chicago firefighter was fatally shot during an exchange of gunfire with would-be carjackers Thursday afternoon in Morgan Park on the Far South Side, police said.

Dwain Williams, 65, had left a popcorn shop, Lets Get Poppin’, at 11758 S. Western Ave., and walked to his vehicle when a dark-colored sedan pulled up and four men got out, authorities said.

There was an exchange of gunfire, and Williams, who lived in the Longwood Manor neighborhood, was shot in the abdomen, authorities said. He was taken to Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where he was pronounced dead.

via suntimes.com

The suspects have not yet been captured.

Chicago has seen a large increase in the amount of car-jackings across the city. So far in 2020, police have been called to 1,229 car-jackings. At the same time in 2019, the number was 514.

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