Dead Gang Member Found With A Gun Previously Turned In At Police Buyback Program

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — Pro-Gun advocates have long held the belief that gun buyback programs don’t work. Often times, these programs are exploited by people making & selling homemade guns to turn in for a decent profit. What happens to these guns after they are turned in is another mystery.

According to an AGG report, William Stewart Boyd traded his father’s old .38 caliber Smith & Wesson snub nose for less than $100 in a gun buyback in 2004.

It was supposed to be destroyed, but somehow the same handgun with serial number J515268 was found next to a dead body involved in a police shooting eight years later.

Somehow, this Smith & Wesson .38 ended up in the hands of 22-year-old felon and gang member Cesar Munive – a man previously convicted of sexual abuse of a minor, unlawful use of a weapon, and battery. 


How did this firearm, which was turned in by a local judge, end up in the hands of a previously convicted felon? Well therein lies one of the major problems with these buyback programs; oversight. These weapons are supposed to be destroyed by the same people that are buying them back.

Yet, some of these guns end up back on the street.

The family of the dead gang member believes the gun was planted at the scene of the crime. If this claim turns out to be true, this scenario is much worse than the guns simply finding their way back onto the street. Gun buybacks have a bad reputation as it is. These kinds of stories only reveal how terribly inefficient they really are.

Have you ever participated in a gun buyback program? If so, what did you turn in and what did you get in return?

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