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Car-Jacking Attempt Fails Miserably, Because 24-Year-Old Armed Citizen

PUYALLUP, WASHINGTON — When a 33-year-old man attempted to car-jack the 24-year-old driver, he probably didn’t anticipate being met with lethal force. Long story short, the car-jacker wannabe made a truly bad decision.

He said the 33-year-old suspect approached the car and reportedly assaulted the driver in an apparent attempt to steal the vehicle. The driver, a 24-year-old Puyallup man, then pulled out his gun and fired multiple rounds at the suspect in self-defense, Portmann said.

The suspect was hit at least once in the abdomen.

When you’re having a bad day, things just don’t go your way. This suspect certainly had a bad day, but it’s because of his own stupidity and bad choices in life.

I’m glad to see this man, the 24-year-old, made the decision one day to carry a firearm with him for situations such as this one. Had he not, he could be without both a car and his life. There’s no telling what these criminals will do when they have the upper hand.

The wounded suspect took off running to a nearby gas station where police eventually caught up with him. He was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries and will now face the consequences of his actions.

Here’s to armed citizens everywhere. I’m happy that this incident ended with no innocent people injured or killed.

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