The clerk acted very quickly, and luckily survived the encounter. The 40-year-old criminal, however, died in the storage room after being shot multiple times. If you watch the video, you’ll see the clerk put his hands up and comply with the robbers. Then, he quickly slides into the storage room so that he can draw his firearm undetected. Then, he fires off his first shot quickly. Videos such as this one make me put myself in the situation and think about how I would handle it. I’d say that the clerk acted quickly and relatively effectively. One thing I would try and change is to give more distance between myself and the armed guy. When the clerk fires the shot, he stays in the position for a few seconds before they both end up falling to the ground when the bad guy enters. The room that he retreated to seems small, and that’s another scary scenario; being trapped in a room where the only way out is through a bad guy with a gun. Of course, things happened so quickly and the clerk acted accordingly. In the end, he escaped with his life, and that’s what matters most.One of the men, a 40-year-old from Colorado, reportedly pointed a gun in the clerk’s face and ordered him to get on the ground. The second man walked along the glass cases with a hammer “as if he was going to break open the display cases,” [Bountiful police Lt. Dave] Edwards said.
When the man looked away briefly to close the shop door, the clerk retreated to a storage room and pulled out his own weapon, Edwards said. The 40-year-old followed him into the storage room, where the clerk shot him.
[VIDEO] Pawn Shop Clerk Turns Tables On Armed Robbers, Killing One With Concealed Firearm
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