This Restaurant Is Donating A Portion Of Sales To Gun Control Organizations. But wait, there’s more!

It’s coming from a State that we wouldn’t expect, but every stretch of America has people who are in favor of gun control legislation being passed. This time, it’s a restaurant that is printing their stance on the customers’ bills, and it’s plain as day.

Luckily, they just have a single location in Dallas, Texas.

The name of the restaurant is Ellen’s, and it seems that they are famous for their all-day brunch.

As a private business, they are free to do as they please with the money they earn. I’d be very interested to see how many people say something after they see the note at the bottom of their bill, whether in support or opposition of the business decision.

But wait, there’s more.

The company, once the receipt was making the rounds, posted a lengthy FB post on their page about the ordeal in order to ‘clarify’ things;

But wait, there’s more.

Someone was apparently able to grab a screenshot from one of the owner’s FB profiles, and it seems that it was indeed a plan against gun owners as well as the NRA. Or maybe just the NRA. Either way, it seems that Joe doesn’t like the NRA. User Jason Bright provided the following screens:

At any rate, I’m sure that this is a restaurant that I will never be visiting if I am ever back in Dallas.

People have also voiced their displeasure with the restaurant in the form of Facebook reviews, and you can see the struggle that they’re currently up against:

That’s a far cry from the probably-nearly 5 star review they once held onto.

We found Joe on Facebook, and that post is no longer public. Surprised?

Their website lists a Joe Groves as the owner.

Why the lengthy article about this one restaurant? It seems that backpedaling was done here, and honesty was not shining through. Their bottom line seems to have been hurt, and is still hurting, and this looks like it turned out to be a bad business decision.

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