
What to Put in Your Range Bag: the Basics

Alright, so you’ve got a dedicated range bag. Now, what do you put in it?

Well, a lot of what we’re about to cover here should be pretty self-explanatory, but as always, it’s good to cover the basics.

Let’s dig in.

    1. Medical Kit
      Of course this has got to come first, because safety has to come first. Make sure that, at the very least, you have a solid first aid kit. In the case of the gun range, pick up a first aid kit at minimum. It will cover the majority of injuries you’re likely to pick up at the range — annoying cuts and insect stings and bites. If you want to go full tilt, you could pick something up like the AR 500 Armor Emergency Personal Injury Kit. Should an injury of a high caliber be sustained, be sure to be seen by qualified medical personnel.
    2. Eye and Ear Protection
      OK — maybe safety comes first and second. Always have a good pair of eyes and ears, and keep them in your range bag — that way they can’t run off when you need them most. If you want to earn extra points, keep an extra set for your range mate who sometimes forgets his or hers.
    3. Targets
      If I ever forget anything to bring to the range, it’s going to be my collection of targets. If you can fit them in your range bag, do it. Even if you have to fold them, that’ll be alright so long as you bring your
    4. Staple Gun, Sharpie, and Measuring Tape
      Don’t count on your range on the guy behind you to leave one unless it’s explicitly provided in the price of your membership or visit. Having to dig up something to stick the targets to wherever they’re supposed to stay takes time! Save yourself the headache. Bring one with you, and keep it in staples. Your sharpie is just to mark where you’ve hit for easier acquisition at a distance. The measuring tape is for measuring your groups, so don’t get something bulky and long. It’d just be dead weight.
    5. Firearm Maintenance Tools
      If you’ve got a problem with your firearm on the range, you’re going to wish you brought your maintenance tools with you to sort things out. Don’t waste a chance to keep plugging way with your favorite problem child. Kit up.
    6. Holsters
      Any holsters you don’t plan on wearing in, but still want for use on the range should your range allow holster drawing, put them in your bag. Don’t go crazy — these can eat up a lot of space. Decide what you want to practice with, and leave the rest for your next trip.
    7. Ammunition and Spare Magazines
      Well, yeah. You might need ammunition. Take all you’re going to use, and learn what you can in expending it!
    8. Firearms
      If you are only shooting a couple of handguns and can fit them in the remaining space in your bag comfortably, separately, and securely, have at it.

    It’s also worth mentioning that if you plan on shooting out past 25-50 yards, you ought bring a spotting scope if you have one. That’s not really something something you’re going to be keeping in your range bag, but it’s worth lugging.

    What do you think about this list? Is anything missing? Please share this on Facebook and Twitter and let us know!

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