
Sheriff Urges Citizens To Carry Firearms Following Texas Mass Shooting

POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA — Sheriff Grady Judd tweeted that their county offers active shooter scenario training shortly after the massacre at a Texas church, and encouraged citizens to attend and to arm themselves if they are legally able to do so. Sheriff Judd has made headlines in the past, and isn’t afraid to speak his mind on topics that are important to him. The video above shows just how Judd operates, and of course you have people who both agree and disagree with him. But on the topic of concealed carry, I’d bet that he has most people in his corner. His active approach to getting citizens their concealed carry permits –and important training– are something that we would love to see across the Country. So regardless of where you live, take Sheriff Judd’s advice if you don’t already have your permit and/or training: Get the permit, get armed, get trained, and be prepared.
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