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[VIDEO] Shooting an Attacker Through a Car Door

For a while now, I’ve wanted to perform a range test that included shooting a handgun through a car or truck door from the driver’s seat. I wasn’t worried about having the ability perform this task however I questioned if it was possible to hit my intended target. It is important to note from the onset that this is not tactical or self defense training. I have attended several firearm training classes and none of them suggested to shoot through a vehicle door from the driver’s seat. This is simply a range test that I wanted to do. People who watch videos seldom understand all that all that it takes to set up a range test such as this. First comes the idea and the intended purpose of the test and then obtaining the materials necessary. Transporting and setting everything up takes thought and energy however we will let the video creator worry about that. Next is performing the range test. In the past, I have spent time, energy and money setting up for a test that turned out to be a complete flop. I have learned to make it a worthwhile goal to perform a successful event. Also, shooting a steel target from a close distance is dangerous. Just leave that for a fearless fool like myself and do not try this at your range. Back to the car door range test. In the scenario I presented, a man was being carjacked. The safe thing to do is to exit the car and cooperate with the criminal. You could always deal with insurance later. If the man happened to have a baby in the backseat of the car, the idea of cooperating is history. This is where the range test comes in. Is it possible to hit an assailant by cautiously drawing a gun and shooting through the vehicle door? Once again, this is a range test and not firearm training. I understand that there are many variables that need to be considered and every reaction to a crime is situational dependent however the goal here is to see if the driver can successfully hit a target when shooting through a vehicle door. Watch the video and let us know your thoughts about this range test.
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