We’re (finally) Using Our Instagram Account, Follow Us To Win 250 Rounds Of Ammo!

Our Instagram account was started … once upon a time. For whatever reason, we haven’t been using it at all. But with the popularity of Instagram and the need for us to reach as many people as possible on the social media front, we’re committed to extending our presence over there in the land of pictures and hashtags.

If you’re an Instagram, you can find us at @concealednation

Let’s Have A Contest!

And to have a little fun, we’ll be having a contest that runs now thru August 15th, and it’s really simple to enter. All you have to do is follow us on Instagram. That’s it. Then, after August 15th, we’ll randomly choose one follower to receive 250 rounds of 9mm ammo! Or a gift certificate. We haven’t decided yet.

So, get to following!

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