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POCKET CARRY TO THE RESCUE: Man Shoots Thugs During Attempted Robbery While Getting Into His Car

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE — A pocket-carrying concealed carrier in Nashville was walking to his car late Sunday night when a pair of teens approached him and tried to rob him.

The word we’re looking for here is tried.

The teens allegedly took the man’s cell phone and then ordered him out of his car. That’s when the man drew his firearm from his pocket and fired a single shot at both teens, hitting one in the stomach and sending the other one fleeing.

Our armed citizen held the injured teen at gunpoint until police arrived.

The injured teen was taken to the hospital with what were considered non-life threatening injuries. While he’s recovering, hopefully he’ll do two things:

1) Realize that maybe a life of crime isn’t for him
2) The people he hangs out with will leave him to die without a second thought

Police say the armed citizen has a concealed carry permit and will not be charged with anything, since he was acting in self-defense.

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