
171 Ohio Concealed Carry Permits Revoked Because Of Bad Apple Instructor

LAKE COUNTY, OHIO — Over 170 concealed carry permits that were issued in the state of Ohio have been revoked after it was learned that the permit holders didn’t actually receive any training. Instead, their instructor simply signed off on their certificates.

“We had to notify them with a letter recently that they never had a valid license because they didn’t complete the appropriate hours of hands on training or training,” said Lake County Sheriff Daniel Dunlap.

The instructor, who hasn’t yet been named, is facing numerous felony charges.

As for the people who have recently revoked permits, they’ll need to start over and take the course that’s required to receive the permit.

It’s a shame that a bad apple got through and took advantage of that many people, but it’s an important reminder to do your homework to see what the requirements are in order to obtain a state’s permit. It’s possible that some simply didn’t know. It’s also possible that some did, and they saw it as an easy way to avoid taking the course.

Either way, they’ll need to take the actual course to get their permits reinstated.

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