[VIDEO] Shop Employee Gets Shot By Armed Robber And Still Stays In The Fight

This is one of those cases where I really wish that the employee had a firearm of his own. If I could, I would call him and say “Brother, get yourself a concealed carry permit and practice with it. That way, you’ll be prepared in the event that something like this happens again.”

A 20-year-old tough guy decided to rob the Gotta Habit Smoke Shop near Texas State University, but the employee wasn’t going to have any of that. As soon as the robber points his firearm at him, the employee gets behind a display and crouches down. Then, he charges through the display and heads directly for the thug. A fight ensued and the robber ended up firing a round which hit the employee.

Even after being shot, the employee still fought for his life until he was able to push the robber out the door and on his way.

Surveillance video shows the moment San Marcos store clerk Patrick Reilly dives through a display to tackle an armed robber, and despite being hit in the chest, continues struggling with the gunman.

On newly released video, a man can be seen entering the Gotta Habit Smoke Shop in San Marcos where he immediately pulls a gun, and is tackled by Reilly. The gunman runs away and Reilly collapses at the door.

Steven Carlos Hernandez has been arrested and charged with aggravated robbery, with additional charges pending. Reilly is still in critical condition at the hospital.

If the clerk had known that the robber needed to rack his slide first, he could have charged him a few seconds earlier and would have likely avoided being shot.

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