Looters In St Louis Prefer Appendix Carry

Opportunistic vandals are causing a huge problem in and around St. Louis after the shooting of an unarmed teenager by a police officer. While a completely different set of circumstances, the photos coming out of the area are reminiscent of the looting that took place after Katrina.

The candlelight gathering was for 18-year-old Michael Brown, who police said was shot multiple times Saturday after a scuffle involving the officer, Brown and another person in Ferguson, a predominantly black suburb of the city.

Afterward, some people looted a convenience store. Several other stores along a main road near the shooting scene were broken into and looted, including a check-cashing store, a boutique and a small grocery store.

People were seen carrying bags of food and toilet paper. TV footage showed streams of people walking out of a liquor store carrying bottles of alcohol, and in some cases protesters were standing atop police cars or taunting officers who stood stoic, often in riot gear.

The circumstances surrounding the shooting are still being investigated. While that  is  happening, some have decided to peacefully protest. Others however, are not being so nice. The ones that are running around and feeling untouchable are the ones that make everyone else look bad.

The photo above shows a few opportunistic looters inside of a store, and the man closest to the camera is sporting a handgun that he has decided to carry appendix style. If you look closely at the photo (below), it looks like he is using a holster as well. That’s actually too bad, because we were really hoping that his firearm would accidentally go off and sever his chances of ever procreating.


Good for you, criminal. You’re smart enough to use a holster for that firearm of yours that you probably obtained legally through your local gun shop (cough sarcasm cough). But since your buddy in the background with no shirt and distinct tattoos isn’t as bright, we’re sure you’ll be picked up in no time.

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