13. You don’t reach too high

Source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-XKCwcYitvyI/T1bUjjTUFbI/AAAAAAAACMk/oMggMwRnMGs/s1600/business_man_reaching_up_hi.jpg
14. You’d rather have your drivers license taken away than have your pistol permit taken away

Source: http://s3.amazonaws.com/static.texastribune.org/media/images/DriversLicenseResponsibility_jpg_800x1000_q100.jpg
15. You buy pants a size or two larger than you normally wear

Source: http://cf.ltkcdn.net/sewing/images/std/144120-425×344-pants-too-big.jpg
16. You get a little more nervous than usual when a police car is behind you
Source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2fgHwFgh8J0/TK89yniTkSI/AAAAAAAAAxM/vRtJfrK_4jU/s1600/rear+police.jpg
17. When you see a wall clock, you think about different carry positions
18. When you go out to eat, you sit in an area of the restaurant that gives you a view of the entrance and exit, as well as the entire floor
Source: http://cdn.media.kiwicollection.com/media/property/PR005134/xl/005134-02-restaurant-dining-room.jpg
19. Your awareness of your surroundings is 100x higher than it was before you started carrying concealed
Source: http://apexselfdefense.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/stalker.jpg?w=476
20. If you’re awake, you’re carrying concealed
21. You’ve had this happen to at least one pair of jeans
22. How naked you feel when you aren’t carrying
Source: http://www.framingthedialogue.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/feeling-naked.jpg
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