Bear Spray Can Be An Effective Tool Against An Aggressor (Or In This Case, Multiple Aggressors)
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A good can of OC Spray can go a long way, and should be incorporated into every concealed carrier’s daily carry setup. In the case below, it was bear spray that did the trick. It’s a fun video to watch from a self-defense perspective, but one needs to realize the risks involved with such actions,…
The element of surprise is on our sides as concealed carriers and armed citizens, and that goes for armed shop owners who have a gun nearby for self-defense purposes. That’s what happened at this small store when two thugs walked in and pointed a gun at the man behind the register. Quickly enough, that man…
BEGINNERS: How To Safely Holster A Handgun
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Holstering a handgun is a simple task, right? Well, there is more to it than what meets the eye. Traditionally, we think, if the gun is holstered and nobody gets shot, it’s a successful task. But is it? As concealed carriers, we need to be assured that everything we practice and train for has the…
Sobering Video Reminds Us To Pay Attention To Our Surroundings. This Man Unfortunately Didn’t Do That.
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This video is a difficult one to watch, but highlights what we’ve talked about for years: Pay attention to the things that are happening around you, especially when you’re out and about. Gas stations are prime examples of locations where crimes happen often, as people are focusing on one thing (pumping gas) and often neglect…
Sometimes, it’s best to mind your own business and call police if things seem out of whack. Other times, it’s best to step in, if you’re ready and capable of getting involved. Domestic disturbances are challenging, but when they happen in public, I can’t help but wonder why some people will keep walking by. The…