It’s amazing what we see nowadays with cameras everywhere, and that includes a drive-by shooting that occurred as a defensive measure for a guy who was being robbed at gunpoint while walking on the street. I won’t give away the punch line, but it’s a very interesting encounter to say the least. I just can’t…
*DGAF = Don’t give a f*ck A photographer, who was on vacation in Seattle, was walking down the street to his vehicle when a man approached him and extended his hand in an apparent friendly gesture. The victim accepted, and soon realized that the man’s intentions were not friendly at all. An all-out attack began…
I don’t bash open carry, but prefer concealed. It’s important, though, to have a holster that will retain your firearm if you’re openly carrying that firearm. If someone can walk up and easily pull it out of the holster, that’s not the type of setup you want to be using. Location matters as well, and…
An armed man jumped off a motorcycle and started shooting at three people talking on a sidewalk, and then rummaged through their pockets and headed put. One of the men was not hit, but successfully plays dead during the terrible encounter. If he were armed, I’m not sure he would have had a fantastic opportunity…
An armed store owner waited for his moment to draw his firearm and shoot an armed robber who came into his store. The scenario is one that we see time and time again, and it’s honestly refreshing to see evidence of the good guys winning against these degenerates. There were a few missed opportunities, however,…