Product Reviews
[PRODUCT REVIEW] Wolf Premium Oils
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This is a guest post from Dieter Heren, owner of Saltwater & Gunpowder. He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. I’m sure that almost all of you have a gun cleaner/lubricant like Hoppes or Rem Oil that you like and use, and likely don’t ever use any other products. If it ain’t broke,…
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The CPX-2 from SCCY (pronounced Sky) firearms has gotten a ton of attention over the last year due to its’ size, price, and reported reliability. Here’s what I found since I’ve owned the gun: Reliability Reliability is the number one factor for me when it comes to firearms; if everything else about a gun is…
[PRODUCT REVIEW] Advantage Tactical Sights
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These are neat. A different concept from your typical 3-dot sights, Advantage Tactical Sights offer a bit of geometry by having the user make a pyramid with their rear and front sights. During the review, I quickly found out that it didn’t take any getting used to. Advantage Tactical Sights are dubbed “The Problem Solving…
[HOLSTER REVIEW] Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0
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This is the first time that you’ve probably ever heard someone say the following sentence: This is the holster that I’ve been looking for my whole life. Everyone that I talk to has one complaint about their holster: “It’s good, but it’s not perfect. I have a drawer full of holsters. Some are crap, some…
Today, we’re going to take a close look at the Versacarry® holster. This holster is technically not a holster, but a new yet-to-be-categorized firearm concealment system. Available since 2011, they are advertised as the ZeroBulk Holster®. While we generally agree with the old saying: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”,…