Firearm Reviews
The Ruger SR40c is one of many firearms in the SR series. We recently reviewed the Ruger SR9c, the little brother to the SR40c, and enjoyed that firearm very much. Here are some thoughts on the SR40c, as reviewed by a fan of Concealed Nation. Size The SR40c is a striker-fired, compact, double-stack design. The…
The Ruger SR9c is one of many firearms in the SR series. I purchased mine a little over two years ago, and it became my primary carry gun shortly after. It rides in a Crossbreed Supertuck holster inside my waistband. Size The SR9c is a stricker-fired, compact, double-stack design. The grip is only 1.18″ thick,…
Consistency, durability and ruggedness. All excellent qualities of a fine American made Firearm. The Ruger P95 has been written about for many years now, so this article will not touch on its specifications. But rather, its fit and usefulness as a Conceal Carry Firearm. A little history about why I chose this Firearm as a carry piece. First,…