Firearm Safety
Reader To Everyone: CHECK TWICE!
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One of our readers, Andrew, shared a story of his on our Facebook wall, and I figured it’d be a good story to share. It’s never a bad idea to check twice. . .strange things happen. On the subject of Negligent Discharge I had a disturbing thing happen today. I am in the habit of…
When you awake to hear something rustling outside your door, there’s a moment it takes your mind to simply grasp that something may be occurring. It could be something or someone – it could be nothing. But when you wake up in the middle of the night hearing noises, what’s your first response? A lot…
Memorial Day has come and gone and now summer is upon us in full force. After all the sweaters and light jackets get packed away until Fall, lighter clothing can pose a challenge for concealed carriers. More particularly, where it is important to remain concealed, the outline of a firearm can completely destroy that element…
The Dark And Rare Side Of Concealed Carry Permit Holders: 8-Year-Old Gains Access To Gun, Shoots Self In Finger
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CLEVELAND, OHIO — The gun that an 8-year-old boy got a hold of –and ultimately shot himself in the finger with– was owned by a concealed carry permit holder. The boy used a chair to reach a cabinet where the firearm was stored. But why does this news article make a point to mention that…
No matter what sort of firearms you have in your home; whether it be your concealed carry firearm, hunting rifles, or sport firearms one thing remains a constant: The safe storage of said firearms when not in use. I am sure there are many different fashions in which firearms owners accomplish this, and I’m interested…
Group Of Veterans Doing Their Part To Promote Firearm Safety And Preparedness: Enter F-Plan Tactical
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ODESSA, TEXAS — A group of veterans and gun owners have decided to do their part by offering courses to teach others about firearm safety, and how to protect themselves in the event of a home invasion. They currently offer courses such as Basic Handgun, Advanced Handgun, Basic Rifle (tactical), Advanced Tactical Rifle, Precision Rifle, and…
Irresponsible Gun Owner Shoots Himself In The Leg Inside Chick-Fil-A Bathroom, Is This Rocket Science?
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FAIRFIELD, OHIO — A reason why we can’t have nice things comes to us from a Chick-Fil-A bathroom in Ohio, where a concealed carrier negligently shot himself in the leg while pulling his pants up after using the restroom. I’ve never felt the need to do a ‘tutorial’ on what to do with your firearm…
Negligent Discharges: Are They Inevitable?
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By Mike McDaniel. Republished with permission from An “accidental discharge” is more accurately known as a negligent discharge (ND). One second you’re admiring a brilliantly designed and executed piece of wood (or plastic) and steel and the next, your ears are ringing, you’re blinking furiously, you’re surrounded by smoke and the unmistakable odor of…