Beginners Guides
[VIDEO] Concealed Carry Don’ts
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YouTuber TheYankeeMarshall gives us a great video that outlines a few of his “Concealed Carry Don’ts” in this video from 2011.
5 Rules To Follow If You Pocket Carry
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Above Photo by Oleg Volk Pocket Carrying a firearm is becoming more and more popular as manufacturers make the pocket pistol even better. There has been an explosion of these firearms flooding into the market in recent years and in turn has driven up the desire for people to use this method of carry. Each…
!!!AFTERMARKET PARTS!!! !!!AFTERMARKET PARTS!!! !!!AFTERMARKET PARTS!!! !!!AFTERMARKET PARTS!!! Believe me, I love them just as much as the next guy. I’m not going to talk about how awesome they are in this article, though. For the purposes of this topic, I will be providing you with a few important reasons as to why we should be…
The 10 Best Concealed Carry Guns
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Once in a while, a pistol stands out as a perfect option for those of us who carry concealed. It’s a personal decision as to which you choose, but today we’re going to share 10 of our favorites out of the many options available. This list is in no particular order. We feel that each…
Carrying a Firearm Under Just a T-shirt
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The Yankee Marshall gives us a great video that demonstrates just how easy it can be to conceal your firearm under a normal t-shirt. While we like his first t-shirt demonstration the best (the black shirt), a fitted t-shirt in the later examples may work for some people. In his case however, it’s our opinion…
You’ve decided to carry a concealed firearm and that’s great! Before you dive head first into it, let’s go over a few tips that will help you on your way to successfully and safely carrying your firearm. This article will touch on 10 Tips for the newbies, and will also serve as a refresher for those…
10 Common Concealed Carry Mistakes
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This is a guest post from Dieter Heren, owner of, a site devoted to hunting, fishing, and shooting. He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes from time to time, it’s how we learn. However, making mistakes when concealing a firearm can have serious…