Beginners Guides
Carjacking And Concealed Carry
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Anyone who follows their local news will invariably come across stories of carjacking. The US Department of Justice reported an annual rate of 38,000 carjackings in the US for the period 1992 – 2003. Unfortunately, the FBI Uniform Crime Reports classify carjacking as “motor vehicle theft,” and do not provide a specific category for this crime.…
By no means do I consider myself to be an expert in the arts of everyday carry, concealed or open. A majority of my knowledge comes from habitual research and reading countless articles. I always try to keep an open mind to other experienced carriers, paying particular attention to real life situations and what they…
View image | Folks who carry concealed are a diverse lot. We are of different ages and occupations. We live in large cities, small towns, and rural areas. We are both male and female. Some of us like revolvers, others like autoloaders. Some of us are new to the game, others have been carrying…
Range Gun VS Carry Gun
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All too often, I see people that have a “Range gun” and a “Carry gun”. Often times at the range they end up training more with the range gun than their carry piece. Sometimes, the reason given is because the carry gun is too small and is uncomfortable to fire more than a magazine or…
We were all n00bs at one point, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. The fact that you’re actively seeking out information on concealed carry says a lot about the way you’re approaching it. So many people dive in head-first without going through the proper training, and without doing the proper research. Tip #01: Don’t…