• [VIDEO] How’s Your Trigger Control?

    Although this video is a year old, it doesn’t mean it’s not relevant. When we find great videos like this one, we like to share them to get more eyes on these important lessons. This time: Trigger Control. GY6vids shows us the fundamentals of proper trigger control, and what you can do to get even…

  • Do You Have A Duty To Inform When Carrying Concealed? We Look At All 50 States For The Answers

    If you followed a previous article where we highlighted the plight of Brian Fletcher, there’s a big question looming as to whether or not you have a duty to inform law enforcement (or anyone) as to whether or not you are carrying without first being asked. We take a state-by-state look at each state’s gun…

  • 10 Things You Should Never Do As A Concealed Carrier

    There are WAY more than 10 things you should never do as a concealed carrier or as a firearms owner in general.  But we’ve decided to pick 10 extremely important ones.  We’re not judging you if you do these things – we’re just saying it’s the opposite of responsible. 10.  Firing Warning Shots There are…

  • Best Advice For Those New To Concealed Carry

    Starting off, the concealed carrier needs to learn his or her ABCs.   Always Be Carrying. If you’re not an everyday carrier, you’re doing yourself a disservice right off the bat.  Of course, there’s a bunch of things you’ll need to know before you head out there.  Here’s an article that runs through the major bits…

  • Three Reasons NOT To Carry A Back-Up Gun

    By Robert Farago via TheTruthAboutGuns.com Over at americanrifleman.org, B. Gil Horman provides readers with 3 Arguments In Favor of Back-up Guns. BGH reckons you need a backup gun in case “the first gun goes click instead of bang” or “a primary defensive gun is not accessible.” What’s more, “additional guns can be used to arm other responsible adults.” I can’t…

  • Different Grips For A Concealed Carry Revolver

    While a lot of emphasis tends to get pushed towards semi-automatic pistols, there’s more to being a concealed carrier than just a pistol.  Revolvers have historically and continue to be a great asset. We’ve enclosed a video from TheYankeeMarshall in which he discusses holding a smaller J-frame style revolver because he probably has one of…

  • What’s Considered ‘Good Enough’ Shooting For A Concealed Carrier?

    A lot of focus is placed on the idea “what is good enough” when it comes to shooting a concealed carry handgun.  However, some of that focus may be misdirected.  Unlike firing for practice at the range, the emphasis isn’t necessarily on a tight shot grouping as much as it is becoming comfortable with drawing…

  • [VIDEO] 6 Concealed Carry Myths – Do You Agree?

    Our new friend and YouTube personality TheFireArmGuy has some really great videos related to concealed carry, and from time to time we will be sharing them with you Here’s a good one: 6 Concealed Carry Myths This video dis-spells six conceal carry myths. Anti-gun people seem to have all these ideas of what it is…

  • 6 Places You Don’t Want To Be Stuck In A Firefight

    No concealed carrier plans on being stuck in a firefight.  Most concealed carriers aren’t equipped or trained to be in a prolonged fight.  As a general rule, if you’re able to escape – do so.  With that said, situational awareness can help you know where to position yourself – and where not to position yourself.…