Beginners Guides
We hope you’re having a terrific Saturday and hopefully booking some time in at the range. If you’re not, we wanted to take the opportunity to show a pretty exciting video following one man’s journey through a scenario-based training environment. First Person Defender is an exciting series on YouTube which features real scenarios and pretty…
[VIDEO] How To Train For A Double Feed
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If you’ve been following Concealed Nation for awhile, you’ll notice we harp a lot on training to deal with gun jams. It’s not necessarily because we hope that happens or because we don’t think any concealed carrier can’t work through them but for beginners and advanced concealed carriers alike, there is always a bit of…
In this video, an instructor demonstrates the wall drill. For those unfamiliar, you start off with an unloaded firearm, facing a wall, about a full arm’s distance away. Drawing your firearm, find your front sight alignment. When you pull the trigger, you will be able to notice any slight deviation or movement. This can help…
The US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) has a very interesting series on concealed carry readiness called “Into the Fray”. We’ve featured a few of these videos because we felt that they demonstrate key techniques, ideas, and methods that will directly benefit the individual concealed carrier. In this episode, USCCA editor Kevin McCloskey discusses a few…
Shooters need to understand that the grip they use for handling semiauto handguns is very different than gripping a revolver. When gripping a semiauto handgun, it is common for both the strong side and support thumb to stretch out along the frame to fully support the gun. Many people have held a revolver using the…
There’s targets for fun and then there’s targets for training. The two often meet but in this article, we’ll discuss some different types of targets and how they can improve or help concealed carry practice. As we all know, concealed carry is a great responsibility. If called upon, we may be required to use our…
Check your everyday carry load-out real quick. What’s in it? If you’re anything like our typical readers, you’ll likely have the following: Concealed carry handgun & permit Spare magazine Flashlight Pocket knife Now how about adding yet one more thing to the load-out? Well, in this article, we’ll talk about whether or not pepper spray…
In almost every gun safety class, a student is taught to handle a firearm with both hands. This ensure steadiness and control of the gun. However, there’s some easy mistakes shooters will make that can be corrected by firing with one hand. Firing with one hand? Yes. It’s not that hard and it physically teaches…