• You Have To Earn It In Order To Improve Your Skills

    By Jeff Gonzales via TTAG What have you done to earn it today? It’s a straightforward question focusing on what have you done to better yourself, your position or your lot in life. That also extends, of course to your shooting skills.  The Forging Process The concept and desire for continual improvement was instilled into…

  • Burglar Is Chased Away By Armed Homeowner, Then He’s Shot At His 2nd Burglary Attempt

    Via TTAG In the quiet outskirts of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, past the end of the paved road, a vagrant had been wandering around creepily for a day or two. This put the neighborhood on edge. As Trooper Scotty Sharp observed, “it’s very rural, but they look out for each other back in that area.” On Friday,…

  • CONFIRMED: 1 Million Defensive Gun Uses In America Each Year

    By Robert B. Young, MD In April, we wrote about the unpublished Centers for Disease Control survey from 1996-1998 that evidently confirmed the findings of Gary Kleck, PhD and Marc Gertz, PhD from 1992 that there were likely about 2.4 million civilian defensive gun uses (DGUs) each year in the United States. Dr. Kleck discovered that CDC data…

  • Why People Argue So Much About 9mm vs 45ACP

    By Sam Hooper via TTAG One of gun folks’ favorite debates is the ever-popular 9mm vs. .45 ACP. The 10mm vs. basically anything else comes close. Then there’s .30-06 vs. those who are wrong. Why, some newbies may wonder, is there such an intense and long-standing argument over the merits of 9mm compared to .45 ACP? What’s been relatively common knowledge…

  • Law Firm Plans Suit Stating That ‘Negligent Security’ Contributed To Jacksonville Shooting

    By Dan Zimmerman via TTAG Well that didn’t take long. Sunday’s shooting at a video game tournament held at the Jacksonville Landing is about to be the subject of its first lawsuit as a result of the event. As news4jax.com is reporting . . . A Florida firm plans to file a lawsuit this week alleging that negligent security contributed…

  • Why Don’t You Carry A Backup Gun?

    By John Boch via TTAG Millions of Americans conceal carry a gun every day. And that number keeps growing. Unfortunately, fewer people carry a spare backup gun. Innovations in smaller, lighter guns firing potent cartridges, along with my training, have sold me on the idea of a backup gun. And should cause you to consider one…

  • Convicted Felon Who Shot Police Officers Passed NICS Background Check For Firearm Purchase

    By Luis Valdes via TTAG On July 6, Marlin Mack shot and killed a graduate student during an attempted restaurant robbery in Kansas City, Missouri. On July 15, after a nine-day manhunt, undercover officers from the KCMO PD spotted Mack at the swanky Sky Vue Motel. KCPD Chief Rick Smith said, “He just popped up all of the sudden and engaged…

  • The NRA Says They’re In Trouble, And Cuomo Basically Admits To Doing What They Claim He’s Done

    Image courtesy nymag.com and Jack Unruh By Dan Zimmerman via TTAG You may have seen headlines over the past week screaming that the NRA is allegedly running out of money. You probably laughed and thought, how could the NRA be broke? It probably won’t surprise you to learn that those breathless reports aren’t exactly accurate. You might even call…

  • Expect To Be Prosecuted If You Shoot An ‘Unarmed’ Attacker In Self-Defense

    By John Boch via TTAG Times have changed, with politics playing an ever-greater role in our lives. And in today’s world, some prosecutors seem more inclined to pursue charges in self-defense shootings. This goes double where violent aggressors lack a firearm, no matter the other factors. Skip Gochenour talked of this at length in his seminar…