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Man Shot In Arm After Breaking Into Home

PORTLAND, OREGON — Just after Midnight police responded to a shooting where they found a man who had been shot in the arm by a homeowner.

On the 100 Block of Northeast 22nd Avenue police responded to a shooting where they found a man with a bullet wound in his arm. They proceeded to provide first aid with a tourniquet. While providing first aid a homeowner called and stated they had been involved in a shooting where a man attempted to enter their home illegally.

“It’s pretty disheartening,” a neighbor said. “We’ve been talking for a while about just getting out of the county. We really love this part of the country but it’s getting kind of scary. We have been taking more steps to protect ourselves on a daily basis as well.”

According to residents, the area had once been quiet and relatively crime free. But over the last few years the county appears to have become more violent.

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