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Man Shot After Forcing His Way Into Home Where His Wife Was Living

LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA – A homeowner called to report shooting a man who broke into his home. Deputies say that Charles Mayberry, 34, traveled nearly 200 miles from his home in Robbinsville to the home in Lincolnton where his wife was living to see his wife and confront the homeowner.

Thinking that her daughter was coming to visit her, the woman heard a knock at the door and opened it. Instead of her daughter, it was Mayberry, who then pushed his way into the home. Once inside, he began threatening the homeowner. The victim ran to a bedroom in the back of the home, with the suspect pursuing and continuing to threaten him.

The homeowner was able to arm himself and fired a shot at his attacker, which grazed Mayberry on the side of the head. The homeowner was able to run from his home and call 911 from a neighbor’s house. Mayberry was transported to Atrium Lincoln for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.

Following his release, he was arrested and charged with felony breaking and entering/terrorized occupant and misdemeanor communicating threats. Authorities also learned that he had outstanding warrants in his home county of Graham for failure to appear in court. He was released on bond the same day of his arrest. The homeowner was not injured, and the shooting has been ruled self-defense.

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