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Handgun Beats Rifle During This Gunfight Caught On Camera

In many gun battles, I’d rather have a rifle. This, of course, depends on many different factors. It’s a myth, though, that a rifle will beat a handgun most of the time. After all, it comes down to much more than the firearm capabilities.

An officer found himself fighting for his life after responding to a call about shots fired.

The suspect opens fire on the responding officer and his vehicle, prompting the battle to begin.

No matter how many videos I see that show these types of incidents, I still get that crazy feeling of truly not knowing what those people are going through because I’ve never experienced it myself.

With that, seeking out special training that goes well beyond the ‘shoot at a stationary target’ is a must for the serious armed citizen. Not only will it better your skills and teach you loads of new stuff, it’s going to be a whole lot of fun as well.

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