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Concealed Carrier Hits Mark After Finding Himself In Shootout With Chicago Thug

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — Imagine being in your yard when all of a sudden, someone comes into your world and begins shooting at you for no apparent reason. That’s what one concealed carrier was up against in Chicago on Wednesday night.

A 24-year-old man was in a yard in the 2400-block of South Kedvale Avenue at about 9:17 p.m. when police said a 23-year-old man approached from the sidewalk and began firing shots.

The 24-year-old man, who is a licensed concealed-carry holder, fired shots In return, hitting the other man several times.

The 23-year-old man fled the scene was later transported to Mt. Sinai Hospital in critical condition. Police said a weapon was recovered from the scene.

via abc7chicago.com

There is no mention as to injuries to the concealed carrier, so we can assume that he was uninjured during the incident.

It could have been random, gang-related, or maybe the two somehow knew each other. In any event, it’s a reminder to keep your guard up and never stop paying attention to your surroundings.

If the bad guy makes it, let’s hope that he’s put behind bars for an extended period of time.

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