
Store Owner Shoots Man Who Trashed Store And Threatened To Kill His Family

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA — A store owner shot a man who he says threatened to kill his family and trashed his store, and police are working to determine whether charges will be filed against the owner.

Officers found a 22-year-old man Wednesday night across the street from the store with a gunshot to the leg. He told police that he was in the store across the street when he got shot.

Local news reports;

When officers go into the corner store, the business owners tells them the 22-year-old started throwing trash after an argument over an item, Walker said.

“He chased him out of the store and told him ‘never to come back,’” Walker said.

On his way out the door, the 22-year-old threatened to kill the store owner, his wife and children, the store owner told police.

The 22-year-old returned to the store, anyway, around 10 p.m.

“The owner then confronts him and tells him to get out of the store,” Walker said. “At some point, the owner pulls a gun and fires a shot.”

For the man to come back, well, he’s just asking for trouble. I don’t see any reason to go back, unless you have some unfinished business.

In any event, things unfolded that made the owner pull out a gun and fire. What transpired isn’t quite clear, but we’ll be following this story for any updates.

With that said, trashing a store and threatening to kill your family may not be grounds for pulling a gun. Unless, of course, the guy was throwing cinder blocks at you. There could have been a physical altercation or some weapon on the 22-year-old, but we just don’t know.

For now, we’re calling this a self-defensive gun use for a few reasons:

  1. There was a heated argument
  2. The man was asked to leave
  3. The man returned later that night
  4. The man ‘trashed’ the shop
  5. The man allegedly threatened to kill the store owner and his family

It paints a picture of an unstable individual.

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