Why We Carry: Family Comes Home During Burglary In Progress, Suspects Shoot At Them While Trying To Get Away

RICHLAND COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA — A family of four were pulling up to their home Wednesday night when they noticed a vehicle parked out front that they did not recognize. They innocently pulled up behind the vehicle. What happened next put the family, including their two children, in severe danger.

According to deputies, the suspects came out and demanded that the wife move her car. Officers say the two got in the burgundy car, and backed into her car three times. The men then fired shots at the family, hitting the front of their car, according to officers.

The suspects eventually got away, driving across the yard and through a fence.

There is no mention of any family members being injured, so it looks like everyone made it out alright.

While I’m not saying that an armed member of the family would have made a difference, I always like to discuss and think about these scenarios to see how things could have played out. Furthermore, maybe even looking at how they should have played out.

I’m not faulting the family’s decision here because I wasn’t there to view all circumstances, but I will specify what I would have likely done in the same situation.

If none of my family members where inside the home, I would have parked just down the street and called police. After all, let’s look at the facts: we approach our home to find an unidentified vehicle in our driveway. With kids in the car, I’d want to keep them a safe distance until I figured out who was parked there — and more importantly where they are.

The immediate argument that comes to mind is, ‘what happens if they destroy your home?’ That’s an easy question to answer: the alternative in this case was being shot at by two armed intruders. Everything inside the home can be replaced. The priority is keeping family safe.

Just my pair of pennies.

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