
#DIGTHERIG – Bradlee and his Glock 19


1. What You Carry:
I carry a glock 19 with a taran tactical +2 plate.

2. What You Carry It In:
I carry my glock in a Tuxon Tactical Design custom holster I found while looking for a tie for my wedding on etsy. (Not the most manly thing I’ve ever done, but hey, when she says find a tie you find a tie!)

3. Why You Carry That Particular Gun In That Particular Holster?
I carry a glock 19 because I’m a big enough guy to conceal the gun, I held so many guns while trying to find what I likes and the 19 just felt right, long enough grip but not to long, long enough sight radius, but not to long that it would be obvious in my pants. I got the holster because none of the holsters I had I could carry at 4 o’clock comfortably. This was 35$ and I decided that I could deal with that loss if I didn’t like it. It fit like a glove, and I instantly fell in love with it. Adjustable cant, I go with FBI 15° the make it disappear under a tshirt. That and a backup mag in a snag mag holder in my left pocket, I’m ready to defend my wife and the people I care about.

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