Today Was The First Day To Apply For A DC Concealed Carry Permit And Only 3 Applications Were Submitted

Just 3 out of nearly 650,000 DC residents submitted their completed applications on Thursday in hopes of receiving their concealed carry permits. Today was the first day the district began accepting the applications after a judge ruled in July that the ban on carrying a firearm outside the home was unconstitutional.

Since that ruling, officials have been scrambling to get legislation in place and to also provide a means for residents to apply for their permits.

To be fair, it was only released last night. Still, it would have been nice to hear of a line of people waiting to hand their applications in. Hopefully that will be the case in the coming days and weeks.

Applicants are required to provide a specific reason as to why they should be granted the permit. Those who are in fear for their lives, such as receiving death threats or victims of domestic violence, are likely to be granted permits.

However if you are simply looking to be proactive in regards to the safety of yourself and your family, your application will likely be denied.

Gun Right advocates plan to take the matter back to court, as they feel the new laws are too restrictive and will hinder the ability of thousands of law-abiding citizens to receive their permits.

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