• CCX2 S02E19: When To Walk Away; Recent deadly encounters that didn’t need to be deadly

    We discuss a few recent events, one in particular that was captured on camera, that show the serious need for de-escalation and possibly other methods of defense. John Murphy of FPF Training joins us for the discussion, and it’s going to be a good one. Sponsored By: U.S. LawShield Get the Legal Defense for Self…

  • CCX2 S02E18: Rittenhouse Trial Legal Analysis

    CCX2 S02E18: Rittenhouse Trial Legal Analysis Attorney Phil Nelsen joins us to discuss the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial, weighing in on his thoughts based on his years of experience in firearms law. Sponsored By: U.S. LawShield Get the Legal Defense for Self Defense coverage you deserve. Visit https://uslawshield.com/ccx2 to get two extra months on your annual…

  • CCX2 S02E17: Discussing The Alec Baldwin Incident From Every Angle

    On tonight’s episode, we are going to dive into the tragic shooting that occurred during the filming of Alec Baldwin’s new movie. We’ll discuss safety, procedures, Hollywood, and who may ultimately be responsible. Special Guests tonight include Jacob Paulsen and Riley Bowman, both of whom are wizards of many things. Sponsored By: U.S. LawShield Get…

  • CCX2 S02E14: CCW Win, Carjackings, Fake Utility Workers

    Join us LIVE as we dig through some of the more interesting recent stories surrounding gun ownership, concealed carry and ways to avoid conflict. Some of tonight’s topics include: CCW-IN-ACTION WINCARJACKING WITH CHILD INSIDEFAKE UTILITY WORKER AT YOUR DOORAND MORE Sponsored By: iTargetProVisit iTargetPro.com to see their amazing dry fire system. Use code CCX2 for…

  • CCX2 S02E13: Appendix Carry In-Depth Discussion with Spencer Keepers

    We spend an hour with Spencer Keepers, owner of Keepers Concealment and nationally recognized firearms trainer, with an extensive knowledge of proper appendix carry. Bring your questions for Spencer to be answered LIVE! The show kicks off at 10PM EST TONIGHT! Sponsored by: iTargetProVisit iTargetPro.com to see their amazing dry fire system. Use code CCX2…

  • Stephen Willeford, The Armed Citizen Who Stopped The Sutherland Springs Church Gunman, Joins Us LIVE For A Q&A On 8/24/2021

    On November 5th 2017, a gunman went on a rampage at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Nearby was a neighbor who heard the gunshots and made the decision to go after the suspect, which proved successful in stopping the attack. That man was Stephen Willeford, and he joins us LIVE to answer…

  • CCX2 SEASON 2: Kicking Off Tonight @ 9pm EST

    After a wild 35-episode season during quarantine and the craziness of 2020, we’re back for Season 2, and it all kicks off on April 1st at 9pm EST. Come join two of the largest concealed carry networks in the world, combined for the CCX2 LIVE Podcast!

  • [VIDEO] In-Depth Video Analysis Of Kenosha, WI Shootings Involving Kyle Rittenhouse

    On Thursday night, we held a live event like we do every Thursday at 10 pm EST, but this one was a little different. We compiled all of the known videos that show the shootings that took place on 8/25/2020 in Kenosha, WI, and analyzed them to see what information we could gather. A special…

  • CCX2 S01E20: Special Guests Greg Anderson and Joao Assis

    This is one you won’t want to miss. Tonight we have two special guests with us. Greg Anderson will be joining us. He’s a former Army Ranger and Law Enforcement Officer that made a video (see below) back in May of how the police (himself included) didn’t have the authority to violate people’s constitutional rights. The…

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