• Beginners: 5 Rules For Pocket Carry

    Over the last few years, pocket carry has become an increasingly popular method for concealed carry. This is mostly due to firearm manufacturers making better micro and sub compact guns fit for pocket carry. However, the holster industry has done an equally great job in developing pocket holsters that make this form of carry one…

  • 4 Incredibly Important Tips For Concealed Carry Beginners

    Congrats! You’ve decided to make the choice to become a legally armed concealed carrier! I know, you want to go charging headfirst into this like a red-hot bullet. However, let’s hit the breaks for just a moment and go over some basic but very important staples to carrying concealed for the first time. This article…

  • 5 Tips For Traffic Stops; What To Do If You Get Pulled Over While Carrying A Firearm

    We have an updated, comprehensive article on what to do when you’re pulled over while carrying a firearm. Check it out here! DISCLAIMER: Before proceeding, please note that the information below has been gathered from numerous reputable sources with real-life experience on the topic. The information is intended for educational purposes only. This page does…

  • I Met Someone Who Carries FMJ Ammo In Their Carry Gun. Don’t Be Like Him.

    I was taken aback during a conversation with someone I had just met, after we learned that each of us carries a firearm. For the purposes of this story, we’ll call him Don. Don is a 30-something financial adviser with a well-kept beard and an infectious personality. We began to talk after he had overheard me talking…

  • 3 Big Considerations When Choosing Your First Handgun For Concealed Carry

    Picking out your first handgun can be exhilarating. The excitement of having your very own conceal carry gun, a tool that you will use to protect your life and loved ones, can feel like a noble right of passage. Even if we were given one from a friend or family member previously (all done legally…

  • When In Contact With Police, Should You Tell Them That You’re Carrying A Firearm?

    At times in our lives, official contact with police is inevitable. Whether it’s getting pulled over for a broken tail light, traffic accident or something else altogether, it’s going to happen once in a while. One question that pops up a lot, and usually relates to traffic stops, is this; If I’m pulled over, do…

  • Should You Carry Your Firearm While At Home? Here Are 4 Reasons Why We Say Yes

    One of the questions that we hear a lot, and hear different answers for, is “Should you carry your firearm while at home?” The short answer is yes. At the time of this writing, Americans are quarantined at home amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many Americans home now more than ever, this is a…

  • 10 Common Concealed Carry Mistakes To Avoid

    This is a guest post from Dieter Heren, owner of saltwaterandgunpowder.com, a site devoted to hunting, fishing, and shooting. He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes from time to time, it’s how we learn. However, making mistakes when concealing a firearm can have serious…

  • Gun Range Etiquette – A Helpful Guide To Range Time

    As a companion guide to our Gun Shop Etiquette, we thought it could helpful to provide a similar guide for etiquette at the gun range. Whether you’ve never been to the range, are a casual range shooter, or you go so often people think you work there, we believe this guide can provide some helpful…