• Gun Shop Etiquette

    Gun Shop Etiquette

    For most of you, a trip to the gun shop is like a child’s trip to Disney; You don’t ever want to leave. With these trips come unwritten rules of how to conduct yourself while browsing the fine selection of firearms and accessories. Remember that each employee at the shop speaks with many people a…

  • The 4 Rules of Gun Safety

    The 4 Rules of Gun Safety

    The 4 rules of gun safety were put in place to ensure that no accidents happen. If these rules are followed 100% of the time, you can rest assured that you will never have an accident with your firearms. These rules vary depending on the source, but the below list happens to be our favorite.…

  • How to fix your squeaky leather holster; A few quick and easy tips!

    If you’ve ever used a leather holster, or a leather/kydex holster, you have probably had the thing make a few squeaking noises when you move around. Luckily, there are a few quick fixes to help remedy this problem. Tip #1: Baby Powder Having some baby powder around is never a bad idea, and it works…

  • 25 Things That Only People Who Carry Concealed Would Understand

    1. When you first start carrying concealed, it feels like the entire world knows Source: http://www.securityconcerns.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/paranoid2.jpg 2. You give the most awkward hugs ever Source: http://semi-rad.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/awkward-bro-hug-2.jpg 3. This makes you scream This is a screenshot from a Hickok45 video. It was instructional, we assure you that he knows exactly what he’s doing 🙂 4. Every time you…

  • How Often Should You Unload The Magazine Of Your Concealed Carry Firearm?

    These questions seems to pop up a lot; How often should I empty my magazine? Should I alternate magazines? What happens to my springs? The truth is this; If you are running a modern firearm, keeping your magazines full will not hurt them in the long run. A well-manufactured spring in your magazine is designed…

  • Should I carry with a round in the chamber?

    Yes. But why? Because this: And this:

  • Concealed Carry options; outlining the different locations and methods

    When deciding to carry concealed, you are faced with a very important decision; What is the best way for me to conceal my firearm that will allow me the quickest and safest draw, while still allowing comfort? Some people will tell you that this isn’t as important as it sounds, but we couldn’t disagree more.…

  • Traffic Stop while carrying concealed; What to do if you’re pulled over

    We have an updated, comprehensive article on what to do when you’re pulled over while carrying a firearm. Check it out here! Face it; you aren’t a perfect driver and you have probably been pulled over at least once in your lifetime. That is sure to happen again, but what happens if you add a…

  • Female Concealed Carry Options

    It’ 9:40 pm and I’m pondering my wardrobe for tomorrow. Yes, I am that girl. The most important part of my wardrobe is my firearm of choice and the right holster for my precious. My decisions are best described as putting together a puzzle. Concealed carry may be one of the toughest issues I have…

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