Beginners Guides
What Is The Best Handgun For Beginners?
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Out of the thousands of questions that I’ve seen on Concealed Nation, this is up there in the top 5 without a doubt. So many new faces are coming over to gun ownership and concealed carry and are looking for direction in many different ways. It truly is a great time for concealed carry and firearms…
Have You Ever Done Home Invasion Drills?
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As many of you have already figured out, we don’t just cover concealed carry. We often post articles of a good guy successfully stopping a bad guy. Many of the stories offer teachable moments that we like to cover under a ‘what if’ scenario. It’s great to think these things through. Many of the stories…
I was taken aback during a conversation with someone I had just met, after we learned that each of us carries a firearm. For the purposes of this story, we’ll call him Don. Don is a 30-something financial adviser with a well-kept beard and an infectious personality. We began to talk after he had overheard me talking…
Is video shows a very serious and very dangerous example of why it’s important to know that your barrel is clear from obstruction. If something doesn’t sound right after you pull the trigger, you should immediately clear that firearm and check things out because chances are, something is wrong. This girl is lucky she wasn’t…
Let’s face it, even the most seasoned concealed carrier will sometimes find him or herself drawing a little attention to themselves and their firearms once in a while. After some time, the instances will become less frequent, but it’s good to be conscious of the things we tend to do when we first start carrying.…
[VIDEO] What Really Happens In A Gunfight?
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What do you think happens in a gunfight? It’s not Hollywood, that’s for sure. The dynamic nature of a deadly force encounter is something you need to think about in order to help you get through it. Here are some of the things you can expect during and after a gunfight. Tell us, what sort…