Beginners Guides
Accuracy is essential for concealed carriers. Whereas a hobbyist may shoot simply for leisure and pleasure, a concealed carrier has to be able to accurately put rounds on target in a hostile environment. Shot accuracy isn’t born into the concealed carrier – it’s learned. And it starts with a few fundamental practices that help the…
By Carrie Lightfoot from “Carrying a gun isn’t supposed to be comfortable, it is supposed to be a comfort” Clint Smith Clint’s quote is very revealing as it is important to understand that concealed carry for a women inevitably means making some physical adjustments and concessions. There may be times when it’s an inconvenience…
When you awake to hear something rustling outside your door, there’s a moment it takes your mind to simply grasp that something may be occurring. It could be something or someone – it could be nothing. But when you wake up in the middle of the night hearing noises, what’s your first response? A lot…
Republished with permission from The Well Armed Woman Ever wanted to know the meaning of a term used in the world of firearms? You shouldn’t have to look any further than the comprehensive list below. ACP – An abbreviation meaning: Automatic Colt Pistol. It is commonly used to designate specific calibers, particularly those which were…
By Robert Farago. Republished with permission from What if you were the subject of this walk/drive-by shooting [starts at 1:20]? It’s hardly likely. I can’t find any details on the incident save‘s recap of what we see, but I think their title of the YouTube video makes it safe to assume we’re looking at a…
Memorial Day has come and gone and now summer is upon us in full force. After all the sweaters and light jackets get packed away until Fall, lighter clothing can pose a challenge for concealed carriers. More particularly, where it is important to remain concealed, the outline of a firearm can completely destroy that element…