Beginners Guides
[VIDEO] NRA Women Tips & Tactics | Dee Dee Van Buren: Choosing a Concealed Carry Handgun
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NRA Women presented by Smith & Wesson Tips & Tactics sponsored by Cabela’s Outdoor Fund Dee Dee Van Buren was named a top Refuse To Be A Victim® instructor in 2013. She also owns and operates TAC-Solutions out of Richmond, Virginia, with husband Dave. The first decision a concealed carry holder must make is choosing…
By Carrie Lightfoot via While a guns primary danger lies in the discharge of ammunition, there are other secondary dangers in which a gun may be detrimental to the health of the handler and bystanders. Gun safety rules will also apply to dealing with these secondary dangers of guns. Danger To Hearing From Noise When…
Massad Ayoob provides some tips when it comes to your concealed carry wardrobe. When it comes to carrying a concealed handgun, wardrobe is essential. While Massad Ayoob isn’t a fashion expert, he is one of the foremost authorities on firearms, self-defense and concealed carry, meaning he knows exactly what you should and shouldn’t wear the…
The Yankee Marshal is probably one of the most down-to-earth, sensible YouTubers out there when it comes to common sense hip-pocket gun philosophy. But a recent video highlighting the rationale for why he does not promote gun training for both open and concealed carriers is a bit misguided. Here’s why: “If you watch my gun…
Stuck in a vehicle during a firefight? Your going to have a bad day. Being stuck in any container means your freedom of movement is limited and most commercial vehicles offer little protection against small arms fire. In this video, Graham Combat goes over some practical, sensible techniques to drawing from the driver’s side and…
By Sarah Tipton via My best friend Josie was attacked and hospitalized by her husband in March. She sustained injuries to her head and neck from being choked. She wasn’t armed. In fact, she’s never been armed. Her soon-to-be-ex-husband is sitting behind bars in a South Carolina jail facing felony assault charges. He could…
Out With The Old, Maybe In With The New? Here Are The Ways To Legally Dispose Of A Firearm
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Modern pistols and revolvers are pretty resilient. You can push upwards of tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition through them before mechanical parts start to degrade. With proper maintenance, it’s possible for a revolver or pistol to last a lifetime. But what if you’re sick of that pistol? After the barrel is worn down,…