Beginners Guides
When it comes to holsters, there should always be a few guidelines to follow when choosing the best options for your particular needs. I, personally, follow the guidelines outlined below when selecting a holster: It needs to completely cover the trigger guard of my firearm It needs to offer adequate retention of my firearm It…
Be of sound mind. More important than having the perfect holster or training on the Sig Sauer Academy range — the concealed carrier needs to have his wits about him at all times. What is a sound mind? Control of your emotions Calm reasoning Observant of your surroundings Steady nerves No desire to harm yourself…
How Not To Lose A Gunfight
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By Robert Farago via Much is made of the “fight or flight” response afflicting people in life-threatening danger. Yet most people do neither. They freeze. It’s a normal, natural response. Predators look for movement. Not moving – especially in a large group of people – is a strategy wired deep into our subconscious or “lizard brain.” That’s…
Many of us look forward to settling down after a nice, long day at work. It’s natural, reflexive nature to just unbuckle the belt, unclip the holster and put the gun away. Especially for those folks out there looking forward to the embrace of their children or significant other – home is the place we…
10 Things To Avoid While Carrying Concealed
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That’s a picture taken of Steve McQueen back a ways and featured in Time Magazine. See Steve? Steve has a loaded handgun.* In the background, you’ll notice an open can of Coors. While there ain’t nothing wrong with an oat soda, a Magnum revolver, or kicking it on the couch – these three things shouldn’t…
Firearm Condition Readiness: Condition 0, Condition 1, Condition 2, Condition 3, Condition 4 — What Do They All Mean?
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Firearm conditions are primarily a way to declare the readiness of the weapon. For instance, if you’re on the firing line and the range safety officer calls out “cease fire, cease fire, unload, show, clear — weapons at Condition 4” — it’s helpful to actually know what that means. In this case, Condition 4 is…
What Exactly Is An Imminent Threat?
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In order to discuss the definition of an imminent threat – we have to discuss the legal framework in which it is poised. There are plenty of occasions where the use of force is authorized to a point. Some states have “Stand Your Ground” clauses which dictate that a person is under no duty to…