• I Made A Huge Mistake While Carrying My Gun. Learn From My Experience.

    If I mess up, I’ll fess up. This one is a hard pill to swallow for me, because I’ve written articles on this topic before and I didn’t take my own advice. I can’t find the article right now, but it’s out there, and it’s been discussed in numerous articles over the years. Here’s what…

  • Here’s How Your Dog Can Teach You to Train With Your Non-Dominant Hand

    Sometimes, my dog is the absolute worst. Travel back with me to 3:20 a.m. Monday. I was sleeping like a baby with sleep apnea. At 3:21 a.m. I was up and sprinting to where I store my firearm because my dog who, normally is dead silent at night, starts barking up a storm. I jumped…

  • What I Learned From My First Year of Carrying

    About a year ago, I started the process of obtaining a provisional concealed carry permit. Now, I realize how much that decision has changed my life, and how much I have learned over this past year. One of the biggest things I have learned since I started carrying is responsibility. When I initially got my…

  • Clearing Your Cover Garment While Carrying Concealed

    By Sam Hooper via TTAG If you’re going to carry a concealed firearm, it’s necessary to practice the defensive use of a handgun. Simply punching holes in the 10 ring at the range isn’t enough; you need to work on the skills that you’ll need in the real world. What that entails for most people is…

  • [VIDEO] How To Get To Your Gun Quickly While In A Seated Position

    By Jeff Gonzales via TTAG Stop for a minute and think how much time you spend in a seated position. Whether it’s in your car, behind a desk at work, or eating in a restaurant, we all are sitting for a significant portion of our day. That requires you to give some serious thought and…

  • You Have To Earn It In Order To Improve Your Skills

    By Jeff Gonzales via TTAG What have you done to earn it today? It’s a straightforward question focusing on what have you done to better yourself, your position or your lot in life. That also extends, of course to your shooting skills.  The Forging Process The concept and desire for continual improvement was instilled into…

  • Infographic: Women’s Favorite Holsters And Carry Locations

    In the world of concealed carry, women have been taking the plunge by the thousands (millions?) over the past few years. That number may be even higher, but the point is that more women than ever are carrying firearms for self-defense. Part of this uptick is thanks to businesses such as The Well Armed Woman,…

  • 3 Things That Immediately Happen When You Carry Without A Round In The Chamber

    I speak with new concealed carriers on a regular basis, and it’s no surprise that I get many questions that people tend to ask out of the gate. One of the questions that comes up the most is; How safe is it to carry with a round in the chamber? I’ve covered this topic on…

  • *WATCH* The Dreaded Squib Load

    I’m not sure how I missed this post on Embrace The Recoil’s Instagram page, but I did. Old or new, it’s always worth a share to show what a squib load looks like and how to tell if that’s what just happened to you. The video above is from YouTube and shows two different squib…